Fall in Love with your Career

Fall in Love with your Career

 Unlock inspiring career clarity when you download this FREE 28-day journal designed to help you reconnect with your passion, build confidence and transition into your dream job! It's possible for you to become more clear than you've ever been about the next steps in your career.

by submitting this form, you agree to receive emails from Mercedes Swan

Unlock inspiring career clarity when you download this FREE 28-day journal designed to help you reconnect with your passion, build confidence and transition into your dream job!

by submitting this form, you agree to receive emails from Mercedes Swan

About the Career Love Journal...


Complete 28 prompts to help you reflect on and reconnect with what you really want out of your career and life.


Receive daily inspiration to your inbox to keep you focused, motivated and inspired on your journey to career clarity.


Take the leap in your career with specific action items to help you gain clarity and transform your career.


Hi, I'm Mercedes

I'm known as the Career Love Coach, and I'm on a mission to help 1000 Black Women tap into their professional passion, leverage their strengths and create a badass career! I created this journal to help high-performing Black Women reconnect with their passion, find transformational clarity and build the confidence needed to package their skills, shift their mindset, and transition into their dream job.

Image of Mercedes Swan in a suit